

28 October 2016

New Work: HOME

Viewpoints 9 is starting our 4th cycle of challenges. Each artist will choose a word and the rest of us will interpret it into a finished piece of fiber art measuring 18"x 36". Our first word: HOME.
My studio is where I feel most at home. It's a place where I can dance around, sing, talk to myself, swear, drop things on the floor. I can express myself without worrying about having nice manners. I never need to dress up to spend a day in the studio. Blue jeans or pajamas, it's all good.

"Home Turf" is a depiction of the free-motion quilting foot on my sewing machine. It was made using cut up pieces of hand-dyed fabrics, layered together and stitched with free motion quilting.
Visit the V9 blog to read about this and all the challenge pieces in today's gallery

1 comment:

  1. The intricacies that you achieve is truly amazing! What a great piece!


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